Water Aerobics

Water Aerobics for men and women of any age or fitness ability.

There are 2 water aerobic classes offered to Crescent residents

  1. Summer Session — at the Crescent Pool from 9:30 to 10:30 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cost is $5.00 per session in the outdoor pool classes run from Mid May though mid October.
  2. Winter Session — at the Bluffton Pool at 55 Prichard St. Bluffton, SC 8:30 am to 9:30 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the indoor pool. Classes run from mid October through mid May. The price is $5 per class.  Masks are required inside the building but not in the water.  They have a supply of water weights, but I recommend bringing your own noodle.

Dates for both sessions are approximate depending on weather conditions.

Please wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat or visor.  Bring your weights and noodles and water to drink.

Also, remember to wear water shoes!!

We have lots of new neighbors, so if you know someone who might enjoy the class, please contact them.

I look forward to seeing everyone.

See you soon,
Donna Wilder

For questions or concerns, please text or call Donna Wilder at 843-368-9374 or email 
donnawilde[email protected]
